To use Terraforms parsing powers of YAML and JSON files, there are some built-in functions.
The first one is jsondecode, we can use it as follows:
locals {
services_file = jsondecode(file("${path.module}/services.json"))
Use a for loop to parse the file and create a map of objects, our instances.
instances = flatten([
for instance_key, instance in : [
for index in range(instance.instance_count) : {
service_name = instance_key
instance_type = instance.instance_type
instance_index = index
instance_root_volume = instance.instance_root_volume
instance_data_volumes = instance.instance_data_volumes
instance_subnet_type = instance.instance_subnet_type
Our JSON file:
services: {
frontend: {
service_name: frontend,
instance_count: 3,
instance_type: t2.micro,
instance_ami: amzn-ami-hvm-2018.03.0.20200206.0-x86_64-gp2,
instance_root_volume: 50,
instance_data_volumes: [3],
instance_subnet_type: public
The second function is yamldecode:
locals {
security_groups_file = yamldecode(file("${path.module}/../security_groups.yml"))
To loop through the data, you can use a for loop same as above.
Enjoy :)